Ant-guest Leafhopper
(Xestocephalus nigrifrons)
European Paper Wasp
(Polistes dominula)
Filmy Dome Spider
(Neriene radiata)
Honey-wing Barklouse
(Valenzuela flavidus)
(Graphocephala versuta)
(Scaphoideus intricatus)
(Osbornellus sp.)
(Macrosteles variatus)
(Coelidia olitoria)
Northern Flatid Planthopper
(Flatormenis proxima)
Orchard Spider
(Leucauge venusta)
Painted Leafhopper
(Endria inimica)
Stink Bug
(Banasa dimiata)
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All images ©2007-2025 Dann Thombs unless otherwise noted.
Educational and non-profit uses of all photos are allowed.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.